NX Sketch Training (Online)


From initial concept to final revision, increase your design proficiency by making the most of the advanced design capabilities of NX Sketcher features. Use expression-based smart curves to add more control and flexibility to your solid models. Use parametric curve creation to give you the most control of your sections. Learn how to think ahead when modeling and consider downstream users to speed up future revisions changes. Challenging exercises and projects allow you to explore sketch creation and constraint as you gain experience.

Training Duration
2 days

Who Should Attend
Engineers, Designers

Please do look out for other training courses or you may drop us an email [email protected] or contact us [Singapore office] +65-66357748 or [Malaysia office] +603-78802166

*The fees applicable for your chosen course of study.


  • 20th October 2020, 09:00 am - 21st October 2020, 06:00 pm
  • 29th December 2020, 09:00 am - 30th December 2020, 06:00 pm