Discovering Advanced Machining to Improve Quality & Increase Productivity?

Digital Innovations Drive New Opportunities
Our economy has evolved and grows into 3 phases. The first phase is the computer phase that occurs in the 70s to the 90s with the advent of personal computers and mainframes. The next phase is the connected era that occurs until around 2014 which spawned the growth of smartphones. And now we are embarking on the digital phase with great opportunities and great challenges, estimated to be more than US$2.5 trillion.
In this webinar, we will share with you techniques and methodologies how you could improve the product’s quality and increased productivity.
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In this webinar on September 15, 2020 at 2pm (SGT) “Discovering Advanced Machining to Improve Quality & Increase Productivity?”, the Presenter bring along a vast experience in the manufacturing environment to share techniques and tips on how to achieve and drive quality, time-saving, and cost-saving with the existing CAM equipment. The Consultant will be sharing his experience on some case studies to help customers resolve the business pain points.
(Please take note that this a technical session dealing with specific challenges faced by the CAM engineers and machinists)
Connect to us online to continue the learning journey as we learn, share experience and interact about Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation at
Visit our website to reach out to us as you explore Digitalization.
Supporting Partners,
DTS Academy is an initiative by Dream Technology System, a leading manufacturing technologies company to share industry best-practice and solutions to the market and clients through training, webinars, and workshops. It is also part of the goal that DTS aims to drive more adoption of Industry 4.0 and Digitalization by various organizations both in private and public sectors.
- 15th September 2020, 02:00 pm - 03:00 pm